If Your'e Name Isnt Amanda Sawyer Then Please GTFO

I know this is super dumb but i didnt know how else to tell you...

Read throuh this entire thing... no matter how dumb you think it is. Its kinda like a really stupid journal but its almost like im writing to you idek. Oh and yea sorry about spelling mistakes and such but I typed this all late at night so...

Monday September 29th, 2014 - I finally asked you out! I was finally your boyfriend and I could finally call you mine. Knowing that im the 1 lucky guy in this universe and I can call you mine makes me so happy you have no idea. You just left me but I miss you so please come back soon kk?

Friday October 10th, 2014 - Thanksgiving Dinner. I am thankful for you! Cliche i know right? But its true. Tonight you got upset with me for inviting Logan and Jeb over when you just wanted to spend time with me. You felt bad for it though and it made me realize that communicating isnt your strong point but caring about me and caring about us is so it didnt really matter. You left me this CD though, and I cant help but stare at it and smile because nobody has ever put so much effort into anything for me. Youre perfect! I think tonight was the night I started to fall for you.

Sunday October 12th, 2014 - We spent the entire day together doing nothing! It was the best day I had ever spent with you! Just lying in bed and cuddling with you made me feel...well special. Like I meant something to you. And I know I do mean something to you It was just the sensation of holding you that really made me feel like you were mine. Lets do nothing more often... <3

Wednesday October 15th, 2014 - The fact that its 2 am right now and I literally cannot sleep right now because im overwhelmed with thoughts of you is crazy! I just watched that super sad movie stuck in love and omg was it ever perfect. I thought about you the entire time like im basic I know right. But you also gave me your tumblr URL tonight and I creeped it. I creeped it as long as I could take and then I just couldnt anymore. Your tumblr didnt really make me happy or sad or depressed or any emotion at all.
I have no idea what this feeling is but I think I may be in love with you...I think I may have known for a while now but it took a little something for me to realize it. I know im super sappy and super gross but its the truth Amanda. And you may have not wanted to find out this way but I dont have the courage to tell you any other way.

Saturday October 18th, 2014 - I fell asleep on the car ride home after one of my hockey games that you came to watch. You told me that I twitched in my sleep and also that i wouldnt let go of your hand. You also told me that you cried and you dont know why. I thought that was really cute <3

Monday October 20th, 2014 - Today was a very special day. You told me that you loved me back.... And all at once it hit me. I realized that we were madly, clumsily, shamelessly, carelessly, agonizingly in love with each other.

Friday October 31st / Saturday November 1st - Halloween night... You acted strange. All night. There was something you werent telling me and I knew it. It was such a shitty feeling knoiwing something was bothering you but not knowing what. I love you... but not telling me is not okay...

Friday November 7th, 2014 - You went to Ottawa this weekend. Boy did that ever suck. I constantly worried about you and missed you and needed you but you were so far away. Hopefully you had a good time though and just arent telling me because you dont want me to feel even worse. I love you and I miss you and today i saw this and it reminded me of us... And remember Amanda that someone, is me!

Btw: when i show you this wether it be tommorow or next year just try to appreciate it kk? <3